To be honest these two sessions were the first time in a while that I hauled lighting gear, stands and the like out on location.
But compared to images I might have brought back several years, ('Available light is KING' kind of thinking) these new images have a lot more interest and quality of light to them. As I continue to work in and outdoors with my strobes, I hope to begin developing a "Style" to my images.
Back in my newspaper photog days, I always felt that my work was different from other shooters, since I loved bringing back the "in-your-face" action and emotion photos.

It has become very clear to me that with the addition of a 'kick of light' my images are maturing, so to speak and I can begin to tell a story with the light, or just add that little "something" that makes the photo a touch better.
My newest "best friend" is the recently purchased Manfretto "Justin Super Clamp" for my Speedlights. I used the clamp on the hosptial shoot to put a second light into the mix without having to drag out another light stand. 

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